Saturday, January 21, 2012

Multiple Personality Disco

Okay so I didn't want to put up just a picture so I stole a blog post I did in the Beforetimes, the past.  It was for fREAKY pICNIC, a group blog I did with college folk from college.  Its kinda dead now but check it out why not, there's all kinds of lovely kick-assness n talenty artstuffs in the archives.


- If some dinosaurs evolved into birds and the purpose of evolution is for progress, does that mean velociraptors are shitter than chickens?

- If Elvis killed millions of jews would nobody grow sideburns anymore?

- What would win in a fight between a bear grylls and a tiger woods?

- Can I get a hell yeah?

- If the moon stayed in the same place over the earth, and it was at sea, would you get a mountain of water pulled up by the gravity?

- Is it all the chinese over there thats causing the earth to wobble on its axis?

- If sound can't travel through space does that mean I can't bring my ipod with me on the shuttle?

- Do amputees gain weight easier?

- If you're completely covered in hair, where does your hairstyle stop?

- If I'm floating in space with an obese spaceperson would I get drawn towards their stronger gravity?

- If igloos shield you from the cold, could I protect myself from the desert heat by building a fire around myself?

- How far back in time do you have to go so that its okay to have sex with your ancestor?

 - It'd be cool if we all lived in trees.

 For answers, check the back of your internet. 


- Black Swan (2010)
I masturbated twice.

BYE BYE myloveforyouhurtsme!

1 comment:

  1. Iv always wanted to live in trees! Wait what if we all lived in threes? everyone gets 2 other all the time...nah that would get stale.Like bread. trees grow upwards so atleast the veiw gets better.
